Monday, April 18, 2022

Collective Messages of Love


There’s a lady sheep farmer, or shepherd, on Facebook who writes lyrical posts about her sheep. Sometimes she mentions a llama, or the dog. In spring, she writes lovely prose about the newborn lambs. Every animal has a name and she describes their unique personalities. Later in the year, she hires shearers so the wool can be made into yarn.

 The photos alone are worth the visit. 

 I also follow a chihuahua rescue, and listen to the owner wax poetic about ninety little pups, their ailments, and how they get along. He shares long videos and personal techniques for giving these animals comfortable lives. 

 I have to admit, the two sites alone can pull me in for almost an hour, but there’s also a miniature horse rescue, a local duck sanctuary, and yes, I need to get a life. But it all leads me to this post. A necessary, Easter post about love.

I can’t help visiting, liking and commenting, because in each photo and post, I hear, and see, the voice of God. When the shepherd writes about how she wants to cuddle with her lambs, I find it remarkable, that even as exhausted as she must be, after a long day on a farm, with so much to do, she loves each animal, and wants to embrace her flock.

When the dog rescuer calls each of the dogs by name, and treats the blind, or disfigured dogs the same as the healthier dogs, again, I feel, and see the hand of Jesus.

The guy at the duck sanctuary had to move his entire operation, and is now digging a pond in a brand-new location, just for rescued fowl. Remember He can move mountains, so why not a lake? 

That’s how He loves us. YOU. It doesn’t matter whether you’re blind, disfigured, or even cranky. He wants to snuggle with you every day. God loves you just the way you are. Always. We are not pets. We are humans made in His image. He thinks you are magnificent. Adorable. Perfect. 


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Easter Appreciation


Thank you for being a visitor to my blog. Some of you comment, while others have supported me by purchasing my novels.  You have encouraged my creativity and reviewed complex stories, and for those important points I am grateful beyond words. You are all valuable. Immeasurably. Intangibly.

You lift me up!