To the dad not paying child support-
You might think it’s cool now
but some day,
maybe twenty years from now
when the respirator is acting up--
you'll want to explain why....
Can someone listen to your excuse?
You try ringing for the nurse--
but it’s midnight and she’s helping
another patient behind a curtain with a bed pan....
To the person who shoots innocent people--
Maybe you’ve lost your mind or took drugs
but think about twenty, thirty, maybe fifty years from now
When you walk out of the cell looking for someone to talk to
and no one is waiting.
Disconnected phones-
lost addresses-
where to go?
Nothing but parole officers and salespeople asking you to
sign things
promising you won’t go far--
while they ask for your last dollar.
To those who poke fun and tease the weak,
Bullies who think they’re better,
Wise, hip and fashionable
while looking down their nose,
lifting arrogant heads,
disgusted with what they call ignorance.
Selfish and repulsive narcissistic individuals who hate--
and have no time--
believe in nothing--
And laugh at others who do.
Maybe someday--
God willing--
Twenty years from now
While standing in line at the pharmacy,
Or while thinking about who to invite--
for the A list is short--
perhaps someday...
they'll find a change of heart.
To thieves, prostitutes and the rest of those waiting for
(you think that's a place of legends and fairy-tales but...
time creates change--)
Why wait?
There are options.
It’s never too late.