Tuesday, April 13, 2021

St. Rae Helbignatni (In Reverse)

 Just for fun!

Oxymoron- (A phrase with contradictory words)

I’ve been told by a few people that the title of my latest novel is an Oxymoron.

In other words, The Happy War sounds about as believable as jumbo shrimp or an original copy. Certain phrases sneak into our vocabulary, like the walking dead, for example. In my novel, Linda, the main character, uses the phrase The Happy War as a way to refer to her plan. She has an idea to save the world from hate, and though it’s not really a full-fledged, regular, fighting type war, it’s a personal mission against all manner of evil. When she meets a guy called Eric, they seem to click on a mysterious romantic level, but he also shares her desire to ‘save the world’. They assemble a team of loyal friends to help them with their endeavor and that’s how their ‘war’ begins.

Anagrams- (rearranged letters for a new meaning)

There’s an anagram finder available at:

What Hay Prep?
Yup, another anagram of The Happy War
Anagram Creator

The best anagram I found for The Happy War is Warpath Hype

Palindromes- (A phrase or word that reads the same backward or forwards) If your name is Anna, Bob, Otto or Eve, you know what I mean. Just remember when you visit Amazon to look for The Happy War by Eve Gaal. 😊

A Semordnilap is Palindromes spelled backward. It’s sort of like a palindrome except now there’s a new meaning. For example, War is now raw. and stressed is desserts. No lemon is no melon and a famous semordnilap is Madam, I’m Adam.

The best I can say, is that our hearts- can love forwards, backwards and upside down!

Friday, April 2, 2021

Love With Everything You've Got!


Imagine that Jesus asked you to visit on Easter.

What would you bring?

How would you dress?

Would you call your friends to tag along?

Would you call the television news stations in your area?

Shout about it on rooftops?

Alert the newspapers?

Stand on a street corner and preach?

Share it on social media?

Borrow the intercom at the warehouse store?

Advertise it on the stadium jumbotron?

Shake from fear?

Begin to pray?

Ask for forgiveness?

Read the Bible?


Stop at stop signs?

Write a will?

Blow it off with a joke?

Visit relatives?

Remind Him there’s a pandemic?

Tell Him you’re busy?


Seriously. Close your eyes and imagine it. He’s saying, ‘Please, we’d love to have you.’

Picture the Son of God asking you to join Him.

Visualize His face, His robe, His hands.

He asks for YOU every day!

It doesn’t mean you have to run to church.

Or learn special prayers.

If you want to be with Him,

He’ll feel it.

He knows you're not perfect.

If you’re near, He’ll know it.

Accept the invitation immediately.


Tell Him you can’t wait.

Be happy and eager.

And, while you’re getting ready,

spread love.

It's the best way to

prepare your intangible heart.


“Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). 

Happy Easter!