Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Eve's Humble Apple

Summer is over? Whaaatttt? I can’t believe it. My favorite season is gone--just like that-- vaporizing into a humid weather report about hurricanes, fires, floods, earthquakes, etc. Humidity is nothing in the big scope of things. Right?

I am so grateful that my cup 'runneth' over. Big time. Take a look at this apple of ours. The first and only apple on our fledgling apple tree from this garden, where we’ve lived since 2014, and while it's about the size of a golf ball, that little green apple reminds me, someone with the perilous name Eve, to be humble. To be thankful for the small things, such as apples. 
 It’s a magical touch of heavenly sweetness that grew in our corner of paradise. All by itself. All alone without other apples around to keep it company. Not enough for pie and not even big enough where I might tempt my husband to take a bite out of the minuscule morsel in order to find out if it is tart. Or filled with secret mysterious knowledge? Or worms?
 I can observe it and simply contemplate the reasons it came into my life. 

Remember this song? 
Maybe I'm supposed to remember this song because my mother liked it so much.

Hope you and your family are safe this season and always.


  1. Dear Eve I feel quite sorry for that little apple, growing up all on his lonesome. Of course, I wouldn’t have thought of it like that if it were not for your wonderful writing. This little tale is full of pathos and smiles. :)

    1. Thank you Barbara. It is a pathetic little thing and I will be sad when it rots. Wish I could bronze it. 😎

  2. One apple - he's just a start. Imagine how many will join him next year.
    We're still a bit humid here - can I grumble just a little?

  3. Apples are good with Nutella...but then, everything is good with Nutella!

    1. Never thought of that but it won't work with this little apple anyway. Lol 😎

  4. I know apple trees take a few years to get going.

    1. Good to know. 'Suppose I'm supposed to learn some patience too!πŸ˜†

  5. Yes, the first one is always a miracle. Apple trees need a cold winter to blossom correctly and then they need another apple tree near by to pollenate.

  6. Hey Eve,

    I suppose you could make humble apple pie.

    I remember that song, along with, England Swings and King of the Road.

    Soon be summer in the southern hemisphere.

    Gary :)

  7. I was going to say that an Apple tree need really cold weather like a winter but Mari said it first.
    It is such a sweet tiny apple.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Roger Miller is one of my all time favorites.
