Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Thank you Bees

The month of November reminds us to be grateful for the little things. Can you imagine Thanksgiving dinner without vegetables, salad, green beans, potatoes, pies or even the centerpiece of flowers? Without bees there wouldn't be honey-roasted carrots, or honey-mustard dressings, all-important herbs such as parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. The delicious and festive holiday would be bland and rather boring. Of course, the bee is not responsible for our cooking or dull and dreary relatives. 😁 

Here’s a little poem I wrote about bees.

Every year,

they forget.
Arms flailing,
they live in fear.
Our hive abuzz with laughter.
But not for long.

Little guy in our garden next to a small twig.

Joyfully busy,
we make time to
land on colorful petals.
Proud part of a team. 
Until they spray.
And my family fades.


  1. I really don't care if green beans are there or not. Tweeted.

  2. My Mum made the best green beans no sloopy soup !
    I love my bees and have homes all over my land for them !

  3. I keep a clump of cat mint in the garden because it has a long growing season. Want to keep the bees coming to pollinate the good stuff! Fun post, Eve.
