Friday, July 31, 2020

My Newest Book is Out! (A Soft Launch)


It was bound to happen. A friend coaxed me into trying NaNo-for those who aren’t familiar—it’s the month of November--which is set aside as a time to write an entire novel –in one month. Yes, one month! Many try to do it and can’t finish, and a few have bestselling books because they forged through and made it.

 I finished, but the book I wrote became a rough outline for my finished manuscript. There were so many bizarre things, such as errant words inadvertently stuffed into the one-month time limit, that later, during weeks of editing and months of rolling revisions, I began to pull my hair out, deleting paragraphs and changing complicated sentences into something comprehensible.

As the 30-day finish line beckoned, my style, my voice, my poetic use of flowery language, had all flown out the window, along with grammar, punctuation and spelling. But, to give credit to NaNo, the story was also out. Out of my brain and into my laptop. Hooray.

So, after a grueling two years, it’s now available on Amazon, and I must say I’m super excited. It’s nothing like Penniless Souls, Penniless Hearts or The Fifth Commandment. Personally, I think The Happy War is a unique story that had to be told, NOW! It’s my tongue-in-cheek novel about two lovers trying to create world peace. I hope you like it. If you find it entertaining, please tell your friends, write a review and then tell your friends again.  😊 Who knows, you might  even help it become a bestseller.