Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Follow Up About Seeing Things Clearly

This is a follow-up story to a post I wrote in January about the Sterile Eye drops or bottle of tears I saw on a walk with my pooch. Click here if you want to see the original post: Amazing Grace Post From January

Last week, while out and about with the same dog, on a different street, I bent down with the plastic bag to pick up Pinky’s business. Next to her doody, was a small bottle buried in the soil. I pulled up the cap and saw it was an old, empty bottle of Clear Eyes by Visine for redness, irritation and burning eyes. Strange, that this neighborhood has all these eye issues, I thought. Or perhaps, it’s still part of a message from beyond. The first bottle made me think I need to see clearer and the second makes me think I need to focus. 
Part Three:
But then today, I found this:

Broken eye glasses. Both sides were in the gutter about two feet apart.

What do you think?
1. See clearer 2. Focus. 3. Read the fine print.
 Am I being told to wash my eyes out and take another look at something? I’d say three times and the message should be clear. Or is it?
That's us on our daily walk.You can see Pinky's paw.
Both sides of the glasses can be seen in this picture.
Strange huh?


  1. If you know it's God telling you that, then those are signs.

  2. I think it's people who are too careless about litter.

    Good shot with your feet and Pinky's!

  3. I can't Tweet anymore today. I did too many on my promo work. I have to agree with Alex. Do you feel a need to look at your life and what you are doing? Are you missing something about your health that you have been ignoring? Sometimes it helps to just takes things to the Good Lord in prayer.

  4. I love Pinky's paw !
    This is way to alien bizarre or there was a person who has had it with the eyes and glasses.
    Sometimes we can be thinking of something and that is what we see it everywhere.

    cheers, parsnip
