Thursday, April 16, 2020

Dormant but Alive!

I pray for for those who are working full time during these difficult times. The police, the sheriff’s department, firemen and women, the cashiers at the stores, those who stock the shelves or drive the trucks. Those who clean the store and have to pick up rubber gloves left by sloppy, selfish people. Those who deliver groceries or mail; those who work in hospitals, clinics, testing stations and laboratories; those who work at curb-side pickup restaurants, coffee shops and fast-food. I am grateful for all you do.

(And victims. Those who are suffering from this virus.
 I pray you recover, soon.)

Thank you to everyone who helps the world continue to rotate on its axis. 
We are not shut down. We are alive.

We will bloom again. 


  1. Yes we will!
    I'm still working because apparently my group is essential.

  2. I hope we all be better soon.

  3. Indeed we will. We are incredibly grateful for the person who will shortly deliver our grocery order. What would we do without them? For the NHS, doctors and nurses and everyone else who risk their lives on a daily basis. We miss our family and friends but we will get through this and we are the lucky ones safe in our comfortable homes. Keep well and safe dear Eve.
