Thursday, April 24, 2014

U is Ukulele

I used to dream of playing the ukulele. Must have been some Elvis movie that made me think it's better than the woodwind instrument I was plagued with in high school band.

A ukulele is a folk instrument resembling a small guitar with four strings. How hard could it be folks? Sure looks like fun. Have you ever played one?


  1. Hi Eve, I’ve never played one but have fond memories of my dad singing “I’m leaning on a lamppost” while pretending to play an instrument! He used to say he was playing his Banjo Ukulele – I suppose that’s the same thing?

  2. Hey, Evie!

    Nope. Never played one. Although, I had a plastic guitar with instructions. Never learned that either.

    Hugs and chocolate!

  3. I LOVE the ukulele! There's something so simple and serene about its sound. I have heard that it's quite difficult, only because it's so small, and apparently leaves your hands and wrists pretty cramped.

  4. Actually, I did pick one up and strum it for fun last time I was out looking for guitars.

  5. I have not played one, no. I don't think I've seen one in person, come to think of it.

  6. I got a small small plastic play one when I was a child.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. Guitars for Munchkins.

    Then again, have you ever seen this group?

  8. I watched friends play but like you, it just wasn't the instrument for me.
