Saturday, March 21, 2015

Breaking News! It's Spring!!

It’s spring and the Earth lined up with the sun 
and the moon just to tell us about it.

It’s spring and the ice floes are melting, 
except in Brooklyn.

It’s spring and Easter is around the corner 
reminding me to forgive scumbags and liars.

It’s spring and morning glories are popping out of the ground—
angel-wing shaped leaves reach for the sun.

It’s spring and that means the excuse called winter is chimney ash.
 Sober green rivers have returned to blue and clouds dissipate as I sit to write.

Where will this season take us? 


  1. Lovely poetry, Eve!

    It's been snowing all day here.

    1. I didn't actually intend for this to be a poem, but I guess in the end it is just my musings about a change of seasons.

  2. Lovely poem but I would leave out the lairs and scumbags line, for me !
    I am cleaning up the side yard and getting ready to plant !
    How is your back yard coming ?

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Just venting, I guess. LOL It has to do with a builder, children's book publishers and some other ridiculous stuff.

  3. It's Spring and my allergies are killing me because my lawn guy hasn't showed up to trim back the jungle growing in my front yard!

    1. I hear you about allergies. I've been sneezing for a month!

  4. Well done! I am so excited for spring and for letting go of winter. I loved parts of winter while it was here, but now I am ready for things to bloom and to be on to the next chapter! Can't wait to get out in my garden- but I just need the snow to melt first. ;)

    1. I was complaining after one week of snow. Don't know how everyone does it!

  5. Hi Eve, I read your poem and then had to read it again just to make sure I hadn’t imagined the liars and scumbags line. A sweet poem but with a sting in the tail, thank you for making me laugh.
    This season should take us to the next one – summer – yippee!
    Barbara x

    1. Sorry about that crude line but it's true. The worse they are the more important it is to forgive and I'm having some domestic issues regarding our home builder right now. LOL. The line was intended to make you smile and I'm so glad you saw it that way.

    2. I feel for you Eve, builders and home are two words that should never mix. You always make me smile, but today you made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that and for visiting my blog. Barbara.

  6. Since I work in the allergy world, I'll say that Spring so far in the Midwest is filled with sneezing, running noses, water eyes, and congestion. It's gonna be a bad one!

  7. I refuse to take medication for my allergies. That's the cycle I'm not getting on! Ahchoo!
